點係excel計Standard Deviation?(How to calculate Standard Deviation in Excel?)

1. 首先將你的滑鼠放到你希望Standard Deviation出現的地方,然後按下Function Wizard (fx)。
1.Place the cursor where you wish to have the standard deviation appear and click the mouse button. Now move the cursor to the Function Wizard (fx) button and click on it.

2. 此時將出現一個程式選項,選擇左方選擇統計,右方選擇STDEV。(注意:如果你的數據是人口,請選擇STDEVP)
2.A dialog box will appear. Click on Statistical from the left section of the box and STDEV (for a sample) on the right section (Note: If your data is from a population, click on STDEVP). After you have made your selections, click on Next> at the bottom of the dialog box.

3. 請於Cell Range 內選擇你的數據,但請先於數據末段計算Mean。(Mean的計算法為 =average(B3:B7) )然後選擇 =STDEV(B3:B8)。你將得出你需要的結果。
3. Enter the cell range for your list of numbers in the number 1 box, please add mean at the end of your data. (The formula of Mean is =average(B3:B7) ). Afterward, you should enter (=STDEV(B3:B8)

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